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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Прочитано 12649 раз)
Ответ #75 - 03/13/23 :: 11:40pm

Re: Дамирыч   Вне Форума
Зашел поглядеть

Сообщений: 35
Профессионалы построили «Титаник», а любитель – ковчег. Подмигивание
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Ответ #76 - 03/14/23 :: 1:18am

Luz-das-Estrelas   Вне Форума
Живет здесь

Сообщений: 1027
Так текст этот по-любому низкоуровневый!

Lutar e vencer!
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Ответ #77 - 03/15/23 :: 1:29am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
Жалоба! | Цитировать (вредным голосом)  Какой материал – такой и сериал. Это, Элхэ Эдуардовна, к музыкальным спектаклям по вашей книжке тоже, между прочим, относится.

(мрачно) Вот это чё счаз было? Это было соотношение первоисточника и сериала — или публикации и сериала? Как обижусь превентивно, так и не будет вам всем Второй Эпохи.

My armor is contempt.
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Ответ #78 - 03/15/23 :: 10:17pm

Re: Дамирыч   Вне Форума
Зашел поглядеть

Сообщений: 35
   (ещё мрачнее) Как это что было? – жалоба. На мой комментарий. Не понравился кому-то наверное. Жалобу – можете ещё участковому отправить, в районное отделение. Я даже не знаю.. может ещё и телефон дать..
   Ну.. э.. м.. а мне, например,  в таком случае, ничего другого не останется как без вашей Книги обойтись. По-любому бюджеты для таких приобретений скудноваты. Я ж не жалуюсь. Буду вам открытки присылать. По праздникам. Чтобы вам не так мрачно было.
  Времени много уходит на разборы постороннего. Поэтому медленно.
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Ответ #79 - 08/29/23 :: 7:39am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
Пока всем не до этих ваших "Колец Власти", эти самые "Кольца" монтируют. И тут не без проблем, правда.

The Faithful vs The Kingsmen Underway Behind The Scenes For The Rings Of Power Season 2 (Exclusive)

August 27, 2023 Exclusives/ News
The editing process has been well underway for months now for season 2 of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and we have some updates around this process which is unravelling some major future questions around some key plot points of the show and which direction it wants to take.
In season one some viewers felt that we didn’t spend enough time in Numenor or at least with some of its major characters such as Pharazon, Earien and Kemen.
Now with season 2 as revealed by the showrunners we are coming up to a 2-episode battle which is one of the main events and culminating points of the season. Sources close to the situation and speaking to FoF have revealed that during the initial round of editing which has happened for most episodes already and sent into review to the production team/ producers. It has been revealed that the editors REMOVED and edited out a lot of important Numenor scenes and moments.
The Rings of Power production team and producers did not agree with this and have asked for in the next round of editing for these episodes to now PRIORITISE a lot of the Numenor scenes when they have to cut down the individual episodes in order to meet the general run time requirements. This has revealed a big difference of opinion between the editors and producers about how much Numenor we should see in season 2.
FoF have also learnt that The Rings of Power production team are instead insisting for the editors to cut down other plot line(s) so the Numenor storyline can have more screen time. It was revealed to FoF that the specific plot-line which the Rings of Power producers wanted to cut down to compromise for more Numenor scenes was the Elven plot-line in season 2.
However, the editing team for the Rings of Power do not agree with this decision and requirement by producers, insisting that all the episodes should lead to the big 2- episode battle near the end of the season and believe the Numenor plot has nothing to really add to it.
Another reason why the editing team are frustrated with this decision is because this next edit/ cut would be cutting screen time from the elven storyline which is upsetting for the editors as they believe they have something that made sense in their minds and makes the show flow correctly whilst at a good pace, something the producers currently disagree with.
Still, producers are holding their ground and are insisting on prioritising Numenor, especially for it to be more heavily featured than it currently is in the first round of editing which has seemingly not included a lot of important Numenor scenes and instead reduced its screentime.
One anonymous source spoke to FoF giving their opinion stating “The editing team are the professionals they know about the pace and what makes sense for the episodes to have the right rhythm and make sense but the producers are staying firm with this suggestion”.
From our understanding, we would also like to clarify that this isn’t a toxic BTS fight and battle between the two sides but more of a discussion and dispute between skilled professionals at work.
What side are you on? Let us know.
Fellowship of Fans would also like to reiterate that we have a neutral opinion on the matter.


My armor is contempt.
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Ответ #80 - 01/23/24 :: 10:50am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
SPY REPORT: The Rings of Power Season 2 to expand on Sauron in huge new ways
January 18th, 2024 by Justin Sewell

Recent SPY REPORTS for Season 2 of Prime Video’s The Rings of Power series sourced from anonymous but now-deleted posts on internet messageboard 4Chan are currently prompting a wave of discussion about their veracity and implications across Discord and Reddit .

WARNING: potential SPOILERS for Season 2 abound below.

Last chance to not be spoiled by significant story leaks for The Rings of Power.
Without further ado, here’s the potentially explosive leak about the story direction for Season 2 of The Rings of Power. While TheOneRing.net has no way of confirming this, the sources are allegedly people close to the series Producers.

* Amazon has newly expanded rights to plot points from The Silmarillion.
* S2E1 opening scene is Eru using the secret flame to create Melkor.
* Melkor (then) watches as Eru creates all the Valar and the Maiar.
* Eru is a disembodied voice vaguely human shaped but no characteristics can be made out.
* The secret flame is golden, as are all the Valar and the Maiar.
* The Valar are larger than the Maiar, but are bathed in a golden light and completely naked (the scenes were filmed with nude figures in strategic lighting.)
* Sauron will be played primarily by three actors in Season 2.
* Sauron — in Mairon form, and called such — is NOT Halbrand (Charlie Vickers) or Annatar (Gavi Singh Chera).
* After the fourth interruption of the Song, several Maia meet and discuss Melkor’s discordance.
* Mithrandir (Gandalf) is in this scene.
* Mithrandir (Gandalf) is “almost” convinced to support Mairon’s (Sauron) agenda.
* Mairon gives an epic speech, “The One has blessed me more so than all of you to see the potential of His creations, and what better way to forge their mettle than by allowing them to face Melkor’s discord and grow beyond what they think capable!”
* Sauron tells the dwarves he apprenticed under Aulë, so they welcome him with open arms.
* Sauron had a son who Adar killed.
* Horse lovers rejoice! A dedicated “bottle” episode with little dialog will tell the story of the first Mearas (Editor: these are the great horses of the Rohirrim), Felaróf, and introduce Shadowfax.
* Gandalf (Meteor Man) meets Shadowfax.
* Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are in an episode.
They are played by the same actor and actress as Melkor/Morgoth and Ungoliant from Episode 1.
* The pair, as Bombadil and Goldberry, are serving out a punishment from Mandos per “a long-held fan theory” (Editor: this “long-held fan theory” is news to us.).
* The season will end with Sauron forging the One Ring.

TheOneRing.net has reached out to Amazon Studios for comment to test the strength of these 4Chan rumours. We’ll keep you updated on any response we receive.
In the meantime it’s worth noting the obvious — an anonymous board allows the propagation of falsehoods for “lulz” just as easily as it enables the dissemination of true secrets. Especially if one can cleverly mix known casting facts or previously asserted rumours (such as the appearance of Tom Bombadil, or multiple Saurons) from other sources with some outrageous claims.

Even more rumours
Additionally, TheOneRing.net has heard:

* Simon Tolkien is personally involved and overseeing this show’s expansion of the mythology.
* Season 2 is mainly Sauron’s story, told from his perspective, and opens with his retelling of history.
* Episode 1 is primarily Sauron’s story leading up to the breaking of the first silence.
* Sauron will try to deceive Galadriel again by taking the persona of Celeborn.
* Sauron sneaks back into Eregion as Celeborn.
* Season ending cliffhanger involves Galadriel making a choice to save Celeborn (Sauron?).
* Episode 6-7 is a huge 2-part Siege of Eregion.

На русском: https://dtf.ru/cinema/2441266-kolca-vlasti-rings-of-power

My armor is contempt.
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Ответ #81 - 01/23/24 :: 10:59am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
Ещё нам обещали короля мёртвых: https://screenrant.com/rings-of-power-season-2-dead-king-tolkien-mystery-solve/
"The Rings Of Power Season 2 Can Solve A Major Character Mystery Tolkien's LOTR Never Did", видите ли.

My armor is contempt.
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Ответ #82 - 06/08/24 :: 1:28am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
Вы что, думали, что хуже быть не может? Ну, вы и пессимисты...
Вот вам трейлер.
А вот вам инсайды и прогнозы.
Жена Исилдура. Что ж.

My armor is contempt.
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Ответ #83 - 06/20/24 :: 3:09am

Элхэ Ниэннах   Вне Форума

Пол: female
Сообщений: 27713
Премьера 29 августа. Я предупредила.

Вот ещё коротенечко о том, что нас ждёт (Том Бомбадил нас ждёт, а Бронвин, видимо, помрёт по дороге в Пеларгир... стоп, по дороге куда?..), а заодно ещё раз полюбуйтесь на прекрасного майя Аннатара:
Про Тома Бомбадила (спойлер: он встретится с Гэндалфом на востоке, не спрашивайте):
Немножко про Саурона и Кольца:
Taking on a new persona, that of Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, Sauron will slither into the Elvish domain of Eregion, and worm his way into the mind of its leader, Celebrimbor, the last in the line of House Fëanor. Ultimately, convincing him to aid in the Dark Lord's crafting of the One Ring without his knowing.

(Верю! Сразу и бесповоротно верю! Если уж Саурон у нас подал идею создания Трёх Колец и руку приложил, некоторым образом, к технологии их создания, то ни фига странного в том, что Келебримбор, того не ведая, примет участие в создании Одного. Поди, его ещё и в Эрегионе скуют, чего уж)

В общем, мужайтесь, товарищи, через два с небольшим месяца нас пожидает продолжение самого дорогого идиотизма в истории кино.

My armor is contempt.
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